Friday, August 16, 2024

Action Figure #402: DC Unlimited Injustice The Joker

  No laughing matter.

 While I'm happy with my black suit Joker, I wanted something a bit more... classic. And lo and behold, Injustice's Joke was super cheap everywhere, so I said, what the hell, let's go.
 And... he's a curious figure. I think that the sculpt is really good, from the hair to the coat, it's like an edgy Joker and I like it. I like the design of the coat, how extra it is, and I think it's an interesting look for the Joker, since it looks more fighter-ish while staying close to his roots. He comes with no accessories, with is kind of a shame, and his default, and only, hands could've been a bit better... considering he comes from a fighting game, maybe instead of having three fingers up on the right hand, he could have a fist. The coat is a rubber piece, and I think... I think they could've given him a bit more neck, since sometimes it looks as if he didn't have one!
 But the biggest issue with the figure is the articulation. He has a waist swivel, leg swivel, and ball jointed arms and legs. The knees and elbows are single jointed, which kinda suck. Noticed what's missing? No bicep swivel. It kinda kills most of the fun things you could've done with his arms, and it's kinda weird for a late DC Mattel figure to be missing those. The forearms and shins can rotate which doesn't add much to the figure, so it's sorta curious
 The legs don't bend much, pictured above is how much they can. At least the arms and forearms can get a 90 degree bend on them. He's slightly taller than Bucky-Cap.
 Well... I like how the figure looks, but the articulation is very underwhelming. If this was a female figure I'd understand, because they never cared about those. And maybe, maybe if this was one of their earlier figures... but it wasn't. I'm only being kind with the score because I really like the look.

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