Friday, August 2, 2024

Action Figure #394: Marvel Legends Falcon(Joe Fixit Wave)

 He's a bird! No he's a pl---wait, he's actually a bird!
 Well, as much as I don't like Captain America and his affiliates, let's be honest, I've been needing a Falcon figure in my collection. I actually wanted the new Captain Falcon, with wings, but him being a Target exclusive... I'd rather get one of the cheap, older figures, over paying a scalper more than he deserves.
 I kinda dig how this guy looks. The design reminds me a bit of how he looked in the mediocre Avengers Assemble TV show. And I wouldn't know which look of his this actually is, since the last time I saw him was in an old Spider-man comic book and he was wearing green! He's a basic Sunfire sculpt, with added bracelets and the same wings as Vulture but painted red. I'm pretty sure his feet are new, but I'm not sure. Regardless, I think the white on red looks really good on the guy, and the little yellow accents just make him look even better. I'm really not a fan of these wings that come off, so I'm going to glue them on once I get home, much like I did with Vulture.
 Articulation is exactly the same as with any other Sunfire buck, and he is as tall as the Bucky Cap buck.
 I bought the figure used, but he has a few splotchy red lines on his shoulders. Not a huge deal, but it's there.
 On another note, the wings don't seem to work on this arms as well as they do on Vulture's, leaving to some ugly gappy poses. That said, with some angle trickery, and minding how much you bend his arms, you can make him pose great. He is a cool looking figure.
 For being a character I care very little about... I like this figure, like a lot. I'm happy to finally have a Falcon in my collection, even if it wasn't the one I actually wanted, and hey, I think he works well.

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