Friday, August 2, 2024

Action Figure #396: Marvel Legends Iron Man(Model 20)

 Oh, look, another Dr. Doom figure.

 Extremis had been my favorite Iron Man figure... but I think Iron Man(Model 20) might just take the cake.
 I really like this new sculpt. The thing that makes Extremis so good is how sleek it looks, well, this armor is the opposite, what makes it so interesting is how full of stuff it is. He's got clunky shoulder pads, he's got these unnecessary wingies on his back, his got adornments on his hands and feet... it's a very busy design and I love it. The color scheme is similar to extremis, but the gold is, well, gold instead of mustard. He's got sculpted details everywhere, as well as extra pieces, which you should be careful as the can come off, like the shoulder pads, the gauntlets or even the thingies on top of his hands. He comes with an alternate pair of hands as well as four blaster effects.
 This guy's poseability is pretty cool. This is the first Marvel Legends Iron Man figure, as far as I know, with butterfly joints, finally! Alongside the mandatory double jointed elbows and knees, he has leg and bicep swivels, as well as a waist swivel AND a ball-jointed ab-crunch and neck. The ab-crunch is nothing to write home about, but it's there, and every bit contributes to making him fun to play with and pose. He is slightly taller than the Bucky Cap mold.
 The added pieces on his hands do hamper the range of the hand hinges, sadly.
 This figure is a banger, and is among my favorite, if not MY favorite Iron Man Action figure. I'll decide after I compare him further with Extremis.

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