Friday, August 2, 2024

Action Figure #397: Marvel Legends Ikaris(Zabu Wave)

  So, this guy... Who the hell is this guy?

 I know nothing about the Eternals, and I know even less about Ikaris. But even worse than a character I don't know about is a mediocre action figure.
 So... it's an action figure, I think he is based on the Spidey UK buck, but I'm not sure. I'll tell you this much, he had a few items on his torso and back sculpted on the figure itself, which is kinda neat, that much is true. That said, I'm not a fan of the face sculpt, and I couldn't care less about the design, but even worse is the articulation...
 See, while he features the usual Marvel Legends Male buck articulation, he has a few issues holding him back, starting with his red skirt.
 While you can sorta push it forward with the legs, look at the folds... it's already leaving stretch marks. That's not good.
 And the shoulders don't gel well with the shoulder blades, so depending on how you turn them, the shoulder blades will block the movement, which leaves stress marks on the shoulder pegs AND chips the plastic on the shoulders themselves. What the hell?.
 I don't know if you can tell, but I just didn't vibe with this one. He is a subpar action figure of a character I know nothing about. I only got him for the Zabu piece, and even then, he was a disappointment.

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