Friday, August 2, 2024

Action Figure #395: Marvel Legends She-Hulk(Retro-Carded)

  Back to the green-skinned characters it seems.

 Another character I've been wanting for a long, long time, She-Hulk finally joins my collection! I almost went for the She-Hulk released with the female five pack a long, long time ago since it was the only She-Hulk that looked remotely how I'd like her to... but look at this babe, I mean, this IS She-Hulk. I would've preferred her Avengers look, but this one is good enough.
 She has a completely new sculpt, oh yeah, she's not reusing Power Princess'! She looks fantastic, she has long, muscular limbs, and this goofy grin on her face, which suits her personality as per her classic comic books. She comes with a broken rifle as an accessory, which is such a cool addition for her. The biggest issue with her would be the elbows and knees, as they are molded in a much lighter green. What I can tell you is that it doesn't look half as bad in person as it does on photos. The only glaring issue is that much like most newer Marvel Legends... she feels a bit gummy.
 The articulation on this figure is good enough, she has double jointed elbows and knees as well as swivels on the biceps, legs and boots. Her ab crunch works on a ball joint, so you can turn her chest to the sides, but no waist swivel. She's a very large figure, I love her. Her hair, being made of solid plastic, does encumber her head movement.
 The only downside is that her ab crunch is rather pathetic, this is as far as it goes forward...
 ...and this is as far as it goes backward.
 I'd say that I rather like this figure. There's a lot of things to like about her, I just wish Hasbro would stop making their figures so gummy.

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