Friday, August 30, 2024

Could it be? It is. More toys!

  I sold off some stuff, which means more toys.

 Well, here it is. More toys! Mainly DC figures, since my DC collection was missing some key characters. Last year I decided to watch every animated Marvel tv show and movie, and I kinda did. This year I'm doing the same for DC, so having watched Batman Beyond and Static! Shock... I needed figures of these guys!

 I also started reading The New Teen Titans, so Dr. Light was a mandatory figure in my collection.

Friday, August 23, 2024

Action Figure #406: DC Universe Classics Sportsmaster

  I hate playing sports...

 Don't you lie to me, you didn't know about Sportsmaster until the TV show Young Justice came out! Despite being such a... let's say Silver-Age idea of a character, I dare say that the show managed to make him quite cool, despite his lame gimick.
 The figure is, well your standard DCUC sculpt, but they managed to capture his look quite nicely. Originally the figure came with a ton of accessories... but I got him used, so this bat is all I get. His hands are a bit too hard, and the bat is incredibly flimsy, so putting it inside his hand was sort of a chore. That aside, I like how he looks. Maybe his head should've been a tad larger, but I'm fine with it.
 Articulation, well... nothing out of the ordinary, for the line, here. He has no ab crunch forward, if anything, but it can bend backward. He's slightly shorter than Bucky Cap.
 It's a decent figure. Nothing to write home about, but I'm happy having him among my figures. I'll give it this, probably all the accessories it actually comes with would make him a much more interesting figure.

Action Figure #405: Marvel Legends Superior Spider-man

  The Superior Superior Spider-man!

 Superior Spider-man is a character I really like and considering how much money I paid for the original figure... to say I was disappointed would be an understatement, so when I heard that a new, updated figure was coming out... I was as happy as one can be!
 This guy features a completely new torso sculpt, it's a bit more compact than what we are used to, but I like it. He comes with 3 pairs of hands, 4 waldos, two backpacks(One with holes for the waldos) and two heads, one with faux-chromatic reflections and the other one with white eyes. Not only is the sculpt much better than the original release, but he has the backpack and the gauntlets. I kinda miss the brown eyes, but this one is overall much better.
 The articulation is really neat, as it features the newest and best in Hasbro's engineering. Butterfly joints, bicep and leg swivels, boot swivels, ball jointed hips and shoulders, toe-articulation, waist swivel and a hinge ab crunch. the ab crunch can look a bit gappy, but it has a ton of range. Lastly, the hips have the ability to drop down, offering even more range, and the waldos have four articulation points each. He is slightly shorter than the Bucky Cap mold, which makes him slightly shorter than other Spideys, but it's not as bad as the original release.
 I heard that the face paint is sometimes wonky... well, my white-eyed head has the off-centered paintjob. I don't really care since I like the other head better, makes him stand out next to the other Spideys.
 Lastly, it seems the shoulder-pegs are too large, so... the shoulder pegs will be stressed. Kinda worrisome if you ask me.
 It's not the perfect figure I expected, due to a few small QC issues, but I like this new figure, I do. I don't mind them using this mold for future Spider-man figures.

Another Haul? Advanced!

  Technically, this one was due September...

 Well... I took an advance through my savings and shipped this one earlier.... What can I say, I'm hyped about Superior Spider-man!

Friday, August 16, 2024

Action Figure #404: Figma #010 Kanu Unchou

  Please don't judge me.

 So, even way back when I was a hormonal teen I thought Ikkitosen was garbage. I didn't understand what was so fun or 'exciting' about the characters getting their clothes torn while they fight. That said... I thought some of the character designs were really good, and Kanu Unchou was a design I fell in love with, I hated the fact that she was part of such a bad manga. Well, here she is, free from the manga, in action figure form!
 This girl looks GOOD. I mentioned that I loved the design, right? So... yeah. The only thing is... I kinda remembered her hair being a bit more purple and her skin a tad more tan, but... I'll take what I can get. She comes with her Guan Yu spear, which looks really nice, as well as a bunch of face plates, hands and.... and... an alternate torn skirt and an alternate torn shirt... Yeah, if you are into pervy figures, there ya go.
 The articulation is pretty good, as with every other FIGMA. No swivels anywhere, but the ball joints on her shoulders, knees, elbows and ab-crunch give her a lot of range. Something that threw me off was that she's... she's rather small, even for an import figure. Pictured below you'll see that she's shorter than Figuart's 2B! A bit shocking that she'll look so out of scale with the rest of my collection!
 The problem with the alternate shirts is that you'll get these gaps on the sides of her torso. And if you move it around, the gap gets worse until you apply some force. The alternate torn shirt looks even gappier, for whatever reason.
 Something I liked, this figure has American-like pegs on the hands! Sure they offer less range than Japanese figures, but I feel like these aren't as fragile. So bonus points for that!
 So... I like the figure, because I like the character design, but I'm not gonna lie... I'm kinda disappointed by how small she is!

Action Figure #403: S. H. Figuarts 2B

 2B or not 2B

 Well, I haven't played Nier Automata yet... but 2B looks rather cool, so I added her to my collection! And I'm rather surprised, because she is GOOD.
 I love how she turned out. I'm guessing she looks accurate to the game, since Figuarts are good at what they do, but even if she isn't, she is one good looking action figure. She has all sorts of details on her boots, gloves, dress, everywhere! She also comes with a nice assortment of accessories, including a base, which might be the best base I own now, a tiny floating robot with articulated arms, her sword, 4 face plates and a bunch of hands. Naruto Kurama Link Mode might have more accessories, but this girls' accessories offer a better value than a bazillion hands.
 The articulation is as good as the sculpt allows. I mean duh, but 2B's design has a few particularities.... anyways, she has butterfly joints on her shoulders, bicep and leg swivels, ball jointed hands, arms, legs, feet, abs and abdomen and double-jointed knees and elbows. She has some petal-like adornments on her elbows that do take a few degrees aways from her arm bend, and her puffy shoulder-pads prevent her from using her should articulation to the fullest, but other than that? She's a winner. Heck, her legs hace drop-down articulation, so you can get a lot of range out of them. Something that surprised me is that her sword doesn't come apart, so you have to finagle it into her hand.
 She feels a bit frails, so do be careful, this is how small her hand pegs are.
 There's a reason she comes with a base... her heels are TINY, and her big head and sword are a bit heavy, so balancing her on her feet, while not impossible, can be a bit tough.
 2B is a fantastic figure, she's fun to play with, and you can get her into a lot of cool poses. I also laove all the accessories she came with. This one is easily among my favorite Figuarts so far!

Action Figure #402: DC Unlimited Injustice The Joker

  No laughing matter.

 While I'm happy with my black suit Joker, I wanted something a bit more... classic. And lo and behold, Injustice's Joke was super cheap everywhere, so I said, what the hell, let's go.
 And... he's a curious figure. I think that the sculpt is really good, from the hair to the coat, it's like an edgy Joker and I like it. I like the design of the coat, how extra it is, and I think it's an interesting look for the Joker, since it looks more fighter-ish while staying close to his roots. He comes with no accessories, with is kind of a shame, and his default, and only, hands could've been a bit better... considering he comes from a fighting game, maybe instead of having three fingers up on the right hand, he could have a fist. The coat is a rubber piece, and I think... I think they could've given him a bit more neck, since sometimes it looks as if he didn't have one!
 But the biggest issue with the figure is the articulation. He has a waist swivel, leg swivel, and ball jointed arms and legs. The knees and elbows are single jointed, which kinda suck. Noticed what's missing? No bicep swivel. It kinda kills most of the fun things you could've done with his arms, and it's kinda weird for a late DC Mattel figure to be missing those. The forearms and shins can rotate which doesn't add much to the figure, so it's sorta curious
 The legs don't bend much, pictured above is how much they can. At least the arms and forearms can get a 90 degree bend on them. He's slightly taller than Bucky-Cap.
 Well... I like how the figure looks, but the articulation is very underwhelming. If this was a female figure I'd understand, because they never cared about those. And maybe, maybe if this was one of their earlier figures... but it wasn't. I'm only being kind with the score because I really like the look.

August brought along toys too!

  Hell yeah!

 Well, I've been needing a Black Adam and a Shazam/Captain Marvel in my collection, right? So... yeah, new toys!

Friday, August 2, 2024

Action Figure #401: Figma #535 Rosalin Stout

  Much like the games... I didn't buy her for the lewdness!

 It's been a while since I've had a Figma here, hasn't it? Well, enter Rosalin Stout! Admittedly, I wasn't the biggest fan of Atelier Ryze, but... c'mon, there's a reason Ryze is so popular, Rosalin is a great character design, so I decided that she should join my toy collection.
 Where to start with her? She's based on her Ryze 2 design, and she looks GORGEOUS, not only is she a great sculpt, but she comes with SO MANY accessories. A happy face, an more angry face, a mischievous face, an ingredient from the game, a fishing pole, an ax, a mallet, a magic wand and a giant staff. Oh! And you also get her coat, which you can take off if you want, as well as two sleeves for her arms. I really don't want to disassemble her arms, so I just put the coat on and ignored the sleeves. Also, she doesn't dual wield staves, but I thought she looked so cool like this.
 She's got ball jointed shoulders, elbows, knees, waist and the ab crunch. Hidden by her thigh-high boots is a leg swivel. She's got a lot of articulation, but her shoulders scare me a bit, as they are a bit tighter than any other Figma I've handled. I might try hot water later. Other than that, she looks great and she's fun to play with. One of her legs came off as I posed her, but it only happened once.
 One thing to keep in mind is that much like other import figures, she can be a bit gappy, as pictures above. I'm of half a mind to glue her crotch onto her abdomen, but we'll see.
 She's not the best Figma I've ever handled, but... c'mon, her character design is gorgeous, and she comes with a ton of accessories. I'm quite happy having her in my collection.

Action Figure #400: Marvel Legends Scarlet Spider(Sp//der Wave)

  And... this is it, the figure that started it all! 

 So, it's 2018, and it's December. I think I had just quit my job and was about to start a new one, so I had extra money. It was the same day that Super Smash Bros Ultimate released. It was the 7th of December too, because the game had a worldwide release... so I get into the Gamestore, and I had extra money, and I see it.. a Kaine, as Scarlet Spider, action figure. You should know by now that I absolutely adored Yost's comic book, so, since I had extra money... I purchased Kaine alongside my copy of Smash Bros. I absolutely fell in love with it. It was the first 6 inch action figure I had purchased as an adult, and the guy was awesome, he was super articulated, and so much fun to pose, and so many extra hands and... he was amazing. For a few years, he was the only figure I had, until one day I added Ben Reilly to keep him company. And then Iron Spider... and then it became my new hobby, as games started annoying me more and more with their dependency on patches and coming out broken and incomplete.
 As you'd probably guess, this figure kinda means a lot to me. So I love him. When I first got him I was so impressed at how detailed he was, and how accurate to the comic book it was. The only bad thing I can say about the sculpt is that in their effort go give him a meaner look... his head is also ever so slightly longer than the average Spider-Man. Not a huge issue, but still worth mentioning.
 I was also impressed with the articulation, the amount of poses the guy could hit was unreal. I even used him as a guide to draw some poses!
 This figure might not be as fantastic to anybody else, but to me? It will always be marvelous.

Action Figure #399: Marvel Legends Zabu(Zabu Wave)

  Who's a nice kitty?

 When Zabu was announced as the BAF I was disappointed. With BAF figures I expect something LARGE, something that rewards me for getting every figure in the wave. But Zabu? He looked so small. And mind, I like Zabu, Ka-Zar and Zabu cross-overed with Spider-man a bunch of times, so I do like him from the comics.... but, as I slowly had the figures shipped and I slowly built him up something happened... I started to love this guy.
 The figure looks beautiful, he is a very simple large kitty, but the sculpt does it so much justice, as the fur looks great, and the shape of the figure itself is also very nice. He's a thick boy, so he looks great next to other Marvel Legends, heck, he looks amazing next to my new Ryza figure.
 For a Cat, he's got a fair amount of articulation. The neck is separated from the torso, so you can move it around to give his neck even more range. The beck is ball-jointed, and the front and back legs lie on a ball-joint, so you've got some range to his sides. The front paws have single-jointed... elbows? Whatever it is on a cat, as well as having his paws on hinges you can move around. His hind legs have two different joins, so you can do a lot of stuff with him. His jaw is articulated as well.
 The only bad thing I have to say about him is that when his jaw is closed, it looks gappy. Other than that, fantastic figure.
 And thus, my disappointed was soon turned into hype. This figure is great, he is probably my favorite BAF, of the few completed ones I have, so far.

Action Figure #398: Marvel Legends Cable(Zabu Wave)

  It's MAHVEL, Baby!

 The last figure I had to shipped to me... is the one I wanted the most, Cable, looking just like he did in the 90's... and in Marvel VS Capcom 2. This is also the kind of Cable I have been wanting. I settled for the other one, but this? This is the one.
 He looks damn fine. He comes equipped with two guns, a set of trigger hands, a punchy hand and a 'power grip' hand. That aside, I love the blue and yellow on this guy, I love how massive he looks, and the face sculpt is just perfect for him. That said, I do have some caveats about him... Why is one of his arms not pinless? What's up with the weird belt design? I thought we weren't doing loose straps anymore? These are small gripes, admittedly, but, c'mon, Hasbro can do better.
 Articulation-wise, he has everything your typical Marvel Legends hands, albeit no butterfly joints. His ab crunch works on a hinge and his waist on a swivel. It works well. He is quite a bit taller than Bucky Cap, as he should!
 As one can see, the flesh arm has pins on them, why? It looks so weird when his legs and other arm are pinless.
 This is the weird belt design. I'm sure they could've figured out something better, they did with VHS Cyclops, and I'm sure a similar design would've worked here over... over this.
 Here are the loose leg straps. At least it seems like they have a hard time going downward due to the thickness of his legs, but, once again, they got it right with VHS Cyclops, so what gives?
 And I forgot to mention, bending the knees break ups the knee pads from the boot. This one was probably tougher to solve, but still.
 Despite my gripes, I'm satisfied with this Cable... but that's just it, I'm JUST satisfied. It's a very good figure, but with a few tweaks, tweaks that they have ALREADY used on other figures, it could've been amazing. They should've gone the extra mile to release the definitive Cable. Still, I must insist, I'm happy with the figure. It is my favorite Cable. But it could've been remarkable.
