Friday, November 15, 2013

Now Playing: Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception

 Uncharted was really bad. Uncharted 2 was really good. Uncharted 3 is already off to a great start.
 And this is why I now refrain from watching as many trailers as I can: I didn't know Chloe would be back. Seeing her again was a great surprise. Just had to get that off my chest, heh. Anyways, I don't have much to say: Up to chapter six, so far it's pretty good. The story follows the formula of the previous two games, big baddie wants a certain thing that's found in a land of legend, Drake must race to get there first, bla bla bla. It's not necessarily a bad thing, but a bit formulaic. Characters are as good as always, they probably noticed that these exchanges during gameplay were one of the series strongest points, as you already start with two companions.
 Gameplay-wise, I haven't noticed any particular improvements, not that they were needed as the last game got them almost right. Haven't had much perilous platforming so I haven't tested it with jumps, but young Drake's segment going through the roofs felt silky smooth.
 Bottom line: It's looking mighty promising, I'm gonna get back to it after I get home from the U.

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