Wednesday, December 25, 2024

Action Figure #479: Star Wars The Black Series C-3PO(A New Hope)

  A silver leg beats a red arm any day of the week.

 Another classic SW character I don't care too much about, here's C-3PO. He's always been comic relief, and I never cared too much about the droids, just bring me the Jedi! But hey, he is part of the main characters AND I used to own a figure of him, so his appearance in my collection was inevitable.
 Well, for starters... I think he should've bee shinier. My Kenner C-3PO was super shiny, and he was super shiny in the original movie too, so much so that it wasn't all that easy to tell that he had a silver leg. At least, C-3PO's deceptively complex design was sculpted really nicely, they even kept the odd protrusions he has on his chest-plate. I bought mine used, and sadly, he had some of the gold paint chipped due to some scuffs, revealing that he is actually cast in black and painted with gold paint, instead of being cast in gold plastic.  
 The articulation is pretty bad... but that's the way C-3PO is, to be honest. He has thigh swivels that don't rotate all the way, he can't turn his torso 360 degrees and he can't bend or straighten his arms. At least his arms go up-wards, down-wards and to the sides. The knees are single jointed, but they don't have much range. I mean, it makes sense for the character, but it makes for a figure that isn't much fun to toy around with, serving more as decor for the other characters. He is quite shorter than Bucky Cap. 

 Well, he is more of an action figure than Jabba, which goes to show that even with a mobility-impaired character you can give them articulation that fits them. I mean, they did as much as they could've done with the character, so if you actually like the character, you will love this figure.

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