The finest shooters in the... wait, no, they are the worst!
Well I'm sure that it was annoying for long time collectors to get their first Starkiller figure offered as a three pack with two Stormtroopers. Sure, later on Starkiller would get a single-carded release, but who would've known? Regardless, for someone that was only recently bit with the Star Wars Action Figure bug, getting two Stormtroopers alongside StarKiller was a fantastic deal!Well, what can I say, they look awesome! They look exactly like I would hope they do, and sure, it's not the most intricate of designs, but they nailed it perfectly. Each StormTrooper comes with his own blaster gun. Another thing I really liked, is that the chest armot plating is made out of plastic, unlike the Mandalorian figures who get soft rubber. I much prefer this, as it feels as if it will stand the test of time better. It also looks and feels better.
For cannon fodder they went all out with articulation. Besides single jointed elbows and knees, they get butterfly joints and ball-jointed ab crunches. You can get them in most of the poses you'd need. They are a wee bit shorter than Bucky Cap.
One small issue, which is almost a non issue, is that the torso can be a bit gappy... depending on how you play with the ab-crunch.
Another small gripe is that the little thingies hanging low from their belts will inevitably bend as you bend their legs. It's not a huge issue, but still.
I'm quite surprised with how great these figures came, mostly because they are, after all, just cannon fodder. But they nailed their looks perfectly well, and they are fun to play with.
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