Saturday, June 8, 2019

Review #658: 64 Memories - Mystical Ninja - Starring Goemon

 Also starring FERNANDEZ!
 Part 1: The Flashback
 I really liked this game way back then, it wasn't one of my favorites, but I quite liked it. I discovered this game through Club Nintendo magazine, and I knew I had to have it. I feel extremely lucky to have owned this game, and it made me really happy to get my hands on it again, because this game wasn't available anywhere. I never saw it up for rent, I never saw it up for purchase(Besides the store in which I found the single copy I owned), none of my friends had it, heard about it or cared about it.

 I really loved having the first person Impact fights, and I thought there were a lot of them.... there were only three. And they are not as fun as they were for the younger iteration of myself, but what the heck. I loved the Japanese intro and the Impact songs, added a lot of flair to the game.
 Part II: The Review
 Mystical Ninja - Starring Goemon is basically Zelda. It's a 3-D adventure game in which you explore various cities, talking to NPCs to learn how to proceed, clearing dungeons, each dungeon having a map, a compass and keys to collect, finding items that'll let you clear obstacles and even collecting Cat-Dolls, and every four dolls you get a new heart. It's 3-D Zelda before Zelda hit 3-D. Although, unlike Zelda, Mystical Ninja never takes itself seriously, being a silly, humor-filled adventure from beginning to end.

 In this game you play as a team of four characters: Goemon, the Ninja-thief, Ebisumaru, his friend, Yae, the Kunoichi and Sasuke, the Robot Ninja. All characters share the same life bar, but each one has their own weapons and magic needed to progress trough the game. For example, Sasuke has bombs that can destroy cracked walls, Yae can turn into a mermaid and go underwater, Goemon has a hookshot-pipe. You can easily swap characters at any time by pressing C-Down. It sounds fun 'n all, but the game is very short, about 8 hours in all, so the game fails to capitalize on puzzles requiring their different abilities. For instance, there are only three walls in the ENTIRE game that require Sasuke bombing them, and after you clear the submerged submarine, unless you hunt for the cat dolls, you'll never have to touch Yae's mermaid powers again.
Image result for Mystical Ninja - Starring Goemon
 At three different points in the game, you'll be assaulted by giant robots, in which case Goemon will summon the Ninja Mech Impact to fight. Impact's sections are made up of two phases: One in which Impact runs forwards, and you have to smash and destroy as many things as you can on your way to the boss, in order to get more health for the next phase, when the real fight begins. Mech battles are fought in first person, and they are kinda fun. B is a fast jab, A is a strong punch, R can be used to hookshot your enemy, Z throws projectiles and the C buttons are used to block. There are a few hidden combos(And the all mighty C-UP, C-LEFT, C-DOWN,C-RIGHT+Z beam) that you can use to aid yourself. Besides the final boss, these fights are fairly easy.

 As fun as the game is, it does have one fatal flaw: The camera is horrible. In order to move it you have to hold down R and then press the C buttons. Problem? If you double tap left C or right C, in an effort to move the camera, this will spin out of control even if you let go off of R. Although, sometimes, the camera will refuse to turn at all. Many times you'll enter through a door with Goemon looking towards the camera, so naturally you'll immediately need to turn the camera to see what's in front of you, but even then, sometimes, the camera won't budge until you take a few steps forward towards the unknown. Needless to say, the camera is erratic and one of your biggest obstacles. I lost a ton of health due to the camera getting in my way, mostly by moving while I was trying to jump somewhere.

 When it's all said and done, Mystical Ninja Starring Goemon is a little gem in the rough that desperately needs more love. The ridiculous world of Goemon is always entertaining to explore, so much so that I wish it was a little longer. But what you get is a bundle of fun.
 7.5 out of 10

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