Sunday, June 16, 2019

Entry #663: Psikyo Collection Vol.3

 Breast-pad included.
 Here it is, the final entry of the 3-part compilation, Psikyo Collection Vol.3. In what can only be described as baffling, this entry includes even less extras than the previous collections: No bonus art, and each game get its own slot on the Switch's dashboard, as opposed to a single program running all four games. It's a weird couple of choices, but there must be some reason as to why they changed it up for this installment. There must be.


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 A pseudo-sequel to the Gunbird series, this is an Arkanoid-Breakout-shooter hybrid that's actually kinda disappointing considering how much I grew to like GunBird. There are a few power ups to make your life easier, and the game is quite cutesy, but while I can tell that it's a decent game, it just wasn't a good way to end the series.
 6.0 out of 10

 Sengoku Cannon

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 The Sengoku series quickly became my favorite from these compilations, and Sengoku Cannon does the series right. 6 different characters, and now we've got: Spread shots, focused shots, cannon shots(Which turn enemy bullets into coins if you defeat said enemy with it) as well as the mandatory bomb. This is probably the best in the series.
 7.5 out of 10

 Strikers 1945 III

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 Strikers 1945 III is the prettiest of the bunch, but it's also the hardest, to the point that I wasn't having much fun. Keep in mind I'm not much of a fan of shooters(And I purchased these games because I thought Strikers 1945 was Aerofighters!), so this high level of difficulty, even on the easiest setting, was a big turn-off. On that note, the game follows the formula Strikers 1945 has been following to a tee, with nothing noteworthy for this last installment. It's alright.
 6.5 out of 10

 Zero Gunner 2-

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 Oh boy, oh boy, now this is something special. Zero Gunner 2- is unlike anything else from these compilations. Well, it's still a shooter, so it's not THAT different, but it's very unique. This is the only game that's completely in 3-D, but it also adds a new dimension to the shooting: You can turn your ship in a full 360 degrees. This is done by holding down a button which will make a target-reticule appear in front of your ship, now, as long as that button is being held, moving the analog stick will make your ship move in around this marker, as opposed to 'strafing'. It's a bit hard to explain, and seems daunting at first, but getting the hang of it is very simple. The game is a bundle of fun, and one of my favorites from these compilations. On another note, this game is called '-' because it's been rebuilt from scratch since they lost the original Dreamcast code. I've read a lot of comments about how bad it's in comparison to the Dreamcast original, but I found the game to be great.
 7.5 out of 10

 Psikyo Collection Vol.3 is a bit of a letdown, coming right out of Volume 2, but it's not half bad. Sengoku Cannon is brilliant and, having not played the Dreamcast original, Zero Gunner 2- is fantastic and a breath of fresh air from everything that I had been playing from this collection. On the other hand, GunBarich wasn't very interesting, and Strikers 1945 III stuck too close to its guns failing to make any sort of impression outside of 'I've played this before at least two other times'. Not that any of these games are bad. Bottom line is: I still think Volume 2 is the best one, but everyone's in luck: This collection is being re-released in a 2-part edition, bumping the games to 6-per-cart which will make for a much more appealing purchase and will help make up for the few less remarkable entries.
 7.0 out of 10

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