Wednesday, June 26, 2019

Entry #665: Dungeon Hunter - Alliance

  Gameloft strikes again, for better or worse.
 Gameloft is a company I've learned to appreciate in the last few years. Yes, they make knock-off mobile games based off console games... but they always make GOOD knock off games for a mobile market. That said, they make mobile games, so whenever a game of theirs gets ported to more mainstream consoles, well, they tend to not get such a good reception. Dungeon Hunter - Alliance had it tough, it was already outdated by the time it released(Dungeon Hunter 2 was already a thing) and it was a 40$ re-release of a game you could get for a fraction of that on mobile.

 Well, in true Gameloft fashion, Dungeon Hunter - Alliance is your generic dungeon crawling loot-based RPG modeled after the good ol' classics, like Diablo. You've got your passive and active skills you can develop as well as bonus stat points you can allocate on your various different stats every time you level up. You've got your basic classes: Warrior, Mage and Rogue, with equipment reflecting on your character model and what not. It does little new or original, with a fairy companion that acts like a free spell every minute. It's a bit barebones, and simple, but it's also competent and lasts a solid 10 hours or so.
 The game is kinda tough, I'm sure I couldn't have gotten all the way to the end of the game without investing on the potion capacity upgrade skill.... and I've played with a Warrior. I've read a few complaints that other squishier classes are even tougher, which probably means they balanced the game with multiplayer first. Online is dead, and good luck finding another person with a Vita and this cart, so you are on your own!

 On the other hand, the game has a few technical shortcomings that really hurt the overall experience. The biggest problem of all, and rather common in a handful of Vita games, are the exasperating long loading times which are very inconvenient on a handheld game. Then there are the mandatory touch controls. Using a fairy spell requires tapping the screen twice, which works relatively well except when the game thinks your double tap was you pinching the screen to zoom in. Very annoying! Then there's the shaking, when your character gets stunned you have to shake your Vita. Cumbersome, yes, but you have to shake the console while keeping track of your tiny health bar so as not to waste a potion because you weren't sure if you were at death's door yet!
 I'm gonna go on a limb and say that, for all its unearned bad rep, Dungeon Hunter - Alliance is a good time for anyone interested in the genre. It's not perfect, it's not original, it has its technical shortcomings and you can get it cheaper on, probably, any other console. But it's still a competent, meaty game that can get you your dungeon-crawling fix on the Vita.
 6.5 out of 10

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