Saturday, June 15, 2019

Entry #661: 64 Memories - War Gods

 Gotta love generic green dudes. This game loves generic green dudes.
 Part I: The Flashback
 War Gods was one of the first games I rented(So many firsts!) for the console, although I wouldn't buy it until much later down the line. I remember for a fact that I rented this game a bunch of times, for whatever reason. I don't know, alright? I loved fighting games and it's not like the N64 had many to choose from!
Image result for War Gods

 Part II: The Entry
 War Gods is pretty much Mortal Kombat 4 beta. It plays like Mortal Kombat, High and Low variations of both punches and kicks, alongside fatalities. The characters even look like Mortal Kombat rejects. It's only got two modes, Arcade and VS, so there isn't much you can do. The gameplay is fairly basic, but it's kinda fun and kinda stiff. It's alright.

 One advantage it has over the PS1 version is that there are absolutely no loading times, making fights seamless, making the game as a whole much more tolerable. It's nothing worth writing home about, but I wouldn't write it off either. And the N64 version makes the PS1 version completely obsolete, the five-button control scheme works really well with Nintendo's clunky trident, so even the much more comfortable Dual Shock won't sell you on its version.

 5.0 out of 10

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