Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Archile's Grab Bag - Unconventional Confirmation Edition

 Now then, I don't normally do these for random packages, but seeing how I got a decent haul... why not?
 Pokemon Omega Ruby: I don't really need to say anything about this one I reckon.
 Megaman Anniversary Collection: I already talked about my history with the series, so there's no need for that, but hey, this one includes both Arcade fighters which were awesome. AWESOME.
 All Kamen Rider Generations 2: The first one wasn't anything special, but I liked it, and since I love Kamen Rider, I knew I had to have it. Why on the PSP? The DS version is upwards 50 bucks, I got this one for about 10.
 Custom Robo Arena: I been meaning to dabble in the series for a while new, and since I could get it for cheap... why not start with the DS version?
 Bit Trip Complete: Rhythm games are not my... jam, but for nine bucks I couldn't say no. I just couldn't, it wasn't physically possible for me to say no.

 Oh, and Megaman Sidescroller Marathon confirmed. I'm also gonna go through Zero and ZX again, because... WHY NOT?!(I really need to stop saying that.)

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