Friday, January 31, 2025

Action Figure #521: Marvel Legends Crystal(Crystal/Lockjaw 2-Pack)

 I'd love to get an explanation on how her hair works.

 Alright, so spoilers, I bought Crystal by herself, so there's no upcoming Lockjaw post. That aside, I've been waiting for a Crystal Marvel Legends since forever, as the 90's Fantastic Four cartoon cemented her as one of Marvel's most recognizable characters, in my mind, ever since I was young. Well, the wait is over!
 She comes with an alternate head, an alternate set of hands, and two effect pieces that go over the wrist joints. Crystal has a very simple design, so there's not much sculpt work here, beyond her belt, which was sculpted onto the abdomen piece. I love these new effect pieces, since they can work both as her holding the elements... or using them as after effects on her punches. I've got a single issue with this figure, and that's... that her face sculpt looks too old. I picture Crystal as a very juvenile character, she's Medusa's younger sister, so, while she should be built on an adult body mold, as she was, her face should look younger. Mind you, the faces look great, they ARE great faces, just not for Crystal.
 On the articulation end of things, she is built on the female Marvel Legends buck, the one with bicep swivels and double jointed elbows. She is easy to pose and fun to play with. She is a bit shorter than Bucky Cap. 
 Overall, she is a good figure, and she does fill a spot I've been waiting to fill for a long time. That said, there's room for improvement here, particularly on the face.

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