Well, she is built nicely! For starters, she has a three heads, two hairdos, three pair of hands, a lance, a stick and a dagger.... as well as her Panther! The Panther even comes with an alternate head than can open and close its jaws. What's more, she has a loin cloth and a shirt, of sorts, made of soft plastic that can be removed. Much like Vampirella, they went for this ugly bald head-and-hair-piece route that I think is... well, unappealing, but that's that. Other than that, the figure is beautiful. The strings on her barbarian bikini are sculpted onto the figure itself.
Frazetta Girls decided to prioritize sculpt over articulation. The figure IS beautiful, but both knees and elbows are single jointed. Both legs and arms barely reach a 90 degree bend. She has a very ample ball-jointed ab crunch, but that's it. The Panther, while it can move its jaws... has no articulation whatsoever. Another thing of note is that... it's summer over here, so plastic should be softer... but even then, her joints were a bit hard, and it was easy to tell that it was due to the paint.
Her loin cloth is held together by a very slim elastic band. How long it'll last? Who knows!
Depending on how you move her legs... this might show up. It's a bit unsightly, but just be mindful of angles when you pose her.
Her rib cage is already showing scuff marks. Something to keep in mind. She is slightly shorter than Bucky Cap.
Well, in my subjective view... I'll always prefer good articulation OVER a good sculpt, but... Teegra is a beautiful figure, she is. She might be a tad expensive, but I think she is worth it. She fits right alongside the rest of my collection, and I figure that with a few tweaks Frazetta Girls will be able to pull off some amazing figures.
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