Monday, January 20, 2025

Action Figure #512: Jada Toys Cammy

 Float like a butterfly and sting like a killer bee.
 My dark, dirty secret... is that I never cared for Chnn-Li, oh no, but Cammy was my girl. Unlike Chun-Li, Cammy looked tough, and her special attacks were fun to use, so whenever I wasn't playing as Ken I was playing as Cammy!
 Same deal as usual, two heads, two pair of hands and a special effect accessory. Cammy's sculpt came out beautifully, some people were a bit worried that hear head sculpts looked off... but Jada Toys fixed it in time, and both heads look fantastic. As with most SF II designs, she is fairly simple, but she looks really cool.
 She has almost as much articulation as Jada's male figures, only missing the butterfly joints. Other than that, she's got everything, the ball jointed ab crunch and waist, swivels on the biceps, thighs and boots and double jointed elbows and knees. Both heads have removable pig tails, in case you want to switch the around, and they go on a peg, so you can spin them around. She is a bit shorter than Bucky Cap.
 Well, my friends... this is as close to a perfect Cammy action figure as it gets. Excellent sculpt, excellent artciulation, excellent paint job and very cheap price, what more could you want?

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