Tuesday, January 21, 2025

Action Figure #513: Marvel Legends Skaar, Son of Hulk

 Don't make him angry, he gets gummy when he gets angry!

 Look, I want Marvel Legends to be good. I do. Growing up I was a DC kid, but you wouldn't know that looking at my collection, I like Marvel Legends THAT much. I never really liked Skaar too much, but I figure he could work well as an Orc, so I went ahead and got him.
 I think I've said it before, but I'll say it again... Marvel Legends is the best and worst they have ever been. The best? I mean, look at this guy's sculpt! He is very highly detailed, and his armor pieces are asymmetrical. He comes with a sword, a knife, two pair of hands and an alternate head. He looks incredible and imposing.
 On the articulation end, he has single jointed elbows, which barely reach 90 degrees, double jointed knees, bicep, waist, thigh and boot swivels as well. He has butterfly joints and a hinged ab crunch. So far, so good, right? Well, for starters, his legs are very gummy, so getting him to stand is a bit tough. But even worse, you have to finagle the loin cloth. Too low? You can't raise his legs. Too high? He can't use the waist swivel
 And even then, this is as high as his legs go. Due to the asymmetry of the loin cloth, the right leg won't go as high... but do be careful, because...
 His legs pop off incredibly easily. Look, I prefer American figures because, unlike import figures, they don't come apart on your hands. So what the hell is this? He is quite a bit taller than Bucky Cap, but slightly shorter than his father.
 I wanted to like him... but the legs are almost a deal breaker. The sad thing is, with a few tweaks beneath the waist, he could've been amazing.

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