Wednesday, January 8, 2025

Action Figure #499: Star Wars The Black Series Umbra Operative Arc Trooper

  A Trooper in my favorite colors, Yellow and Black. Take my money.

 I didn't even know that Umbra Operative Arc Trooper was a thing until, while browsing reddit, I started seeing this Black and Yellow trooper hanging out in people's collection... so, naturally, I looked him up, now, I HAD to have him.
 So, sculpt-wise, this guy delivers, he looks so cool. The armor, the details, the coattails, the backpack, and, of course, the paint job... the fact is, this guy looks cool as hell. He comes with two guns... but a single trigger finger hand. I had to cut free the left hand's trigger finger. I don't understand why they would release him with a single trigger-finger hand.
 Sadly, the articulation is kinda bleh. While he has swivels on his thighs, the armor doesn't let you rotate his thighs 360 degrees, and depending on how it's rotated, you might not even be able to get him to crouch. As seen in the photo above, I could only get him on one knee by rotating the kneepad. The arms can't go very high to the sides, in fact, trying to get them any higher broke the butterfly join on his right side. Thankfully, I just superglued it back, and not much articulation was lost. When rotating the arms at the elbow you have to be mindful of the elbow pads. Well, at least this guy can use the scope on his helmet!
 This is as far up as his arms go to the sides. I tried going over, but the right butterfly joint broke, He is as tall as Bucky Cap.
 I looked up online... and apparently, he is considered a good figure? Sadly, I can't agree. He looks really nice, no doubt, but the articulation leaves a lot to be desired.

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