Monday, May 7, 2018

Now Playing: Pirates - Legend of the Black Buccaneer

 Low budget goodness.

 The premise is silly, but the game is dope, yo!
 So, like, the disc had a few scratches and I didn't feel like leaving my room to make progress on Persona 5 and... I popped in the disc. Reviews scores were low, reviews were few and the back-cover had a sentence warning people not to confuse this game with Pirates of the Caribbean. I knew the game was gonna be trash.

 ....but it wasn't. It's a large metroidvania game with a lot of freedom in how you tackle things. In my case, I was three hours deep into the game, still wondering if I could actually level up my skills, since the menu showed me numbers next to my combat abilities, and enemies were becoming damage sponges. Turns out you can, those shrines I've been neglecting? That's where. I was playing and doing stuff as I came across it and had the means to collect them, not going out of my way to do missions. And it's not like the game told me that Shrines could be use to upgrade my skills!

 Regardless, the fact is that, as someone that loves Metroidvanias, I am loving the game. I love how much freedom you're given and the gameplay is acceptable. Platforming is a bit wonky. It's very wonky. But it's passable. I think the only fault I could have with the game, albeit one I don't care too much about, is that it doesn't make much use of the Pirate motif. You have to fix a ship, find a treasure, fight with cutlasses and old-school pistols... but that's were it ends. Enemies consists of monkeys, zombie pirates and voodoo savages. Needless to say, the game does little to make you feel like a pirate.

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