Saturday, April 21, 2018

Review #552: Disney Infinity 2.0

 Create your own fun.... or have none.
The cover is as boring as the game without the online servers!
 Well, after playing Disney Infinity I can safely say... that I understand why they went under so fast. Welcome to Disney's second foray into the toys-to-life craze that Skylanders started. The big addition are Marvel characters and a few tweaks to the toybox mode. Is it worth it? No, not now.

 Here's Infinity's biggest pratfall, one that should've been addressed here, one that should've been addressed on their third and final game: This is not a game, this is an investment. Firstly, unless you buy one of the three 'Playsets' there won't be any story mode content for you to play. And there're only three of them: Avengers, Spider-man and Guardians of the Galaxy. If you have no playset, you have no pre-made content for you to play. Infinity 1 had even more playsets, but none of them are compatible with Infinity 2.0. Why? Nobody knows, but that means that there's very little premade content for you to play. And the cherry on top? Only select characters can play playsets. Only the Guardians may play their playset, only the Avengers may play theirs, etc. New characters like Stitch and Malificient? Too bad, no story content for them. There're a few 'minigame' hexagon toys that you can buy, but... it's pure luck since they came in blind packs. Now a days you can just buy them off ebay, but it still, you have to pony up more cash if you want actual content to play.
Even the Hulk can ride vehicles!
 Alright, so if there's no content, what can you do? Create your own in the game's signature 'Toybox' mode. Here you can select from various pieces and create your own world, your own minigames, like racing, your own battle arenas, etc, etc. The tools are relatively in-depth, allowing you to connect a few objects via trigger-logic and what not, but you have to sit through various explanations or read online to get the full gist of it. Back in the day you could download other Toyboxes, some made by Disney itself, but the Servers are gone. There're a few quick templates you can generate to get you started, but it's still quite boring. Plus, most stuff in the Editor must be purchased with sparks, and grinding for sparks can take a while, it's easier if you go through playsets... but there're only three of them, and you can only use so many characters on those. So, yeah, the Toybox can be a source of fun if you like playing things you created, but otherwise? There's none to be had here, you can't even share your creations with others!

 As for the Playsets, they are well made, open-worldish adventures with quite a few missions each. The worlds are fairly large, the missions are entertaining and the cutscenes are neat. It's a shame only select characters can play these. Characters also act as lives, if you die on these, you can simply put another toy and continue until your previous character recuperates.
Donald duck has no playset. Have fun figuring out what to do with him.
 I think what hurts the most is how good the base mechanics are. Characters are similar, but have their own quirks. Some can fly, and boy is it fun to fly around as Iron-man! Others can climb on walls or what have you. Each character is also able to carry objects, like enemies, guns, wands, etc or get on various vehicles, from cars to helicopters, and have simple parkour abilities that make traversing the environment a blast. Each character also has their own exclusive skill tree, in which you can spend points upon leveling up to tailor characters to your liking. It also helps that the toys themselves are very high quality and look great, it's a shame not many of them get story-content to play. And that's why Skylanders is infinitely better: you have proper stages and levels to play through, your fun doesn't depend on wasting time toiling with an editor.

 Lastly, the game runs very poorly on the PS3. Toyboxes begin to underperform faster than I would've liked, so build complex worlds at your peril. Playsets suffer too, sometimes sound may lag behind because the PS3 struggles to process everything that's happening. It's no Xenoverse(Ps3), but boy does it struggle. At the end of the day, I'd advise people to stay clear of Infinity, only purchase it if you want an excuse to buy the toys, because they are very cheap now a days, and they make for great decor.
 4.5 out of 10

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