Saturday, March 31, 2018

Review #546: Tomb Raider

 She's definitely too old for this crap.
Her breasts are not what's big in her... it's her head.
 Ah! Tomb Raider, a classic among action-adventure games that brought forwards videogame's first sex symbol and first recognizable female heroine. It was subject to rave reviews, but time has passed, and maybe this tomb is not worth raiding...

 Lara, raider extraordinaire gets tasked with retrieving an old artifact and thus Lara's international adventure begins. An adventure light on story elements, although they're there, in which Lara proceeds to uncover the secrets of a legendary city. It's a simple set-up that worked wonders at the time, although I think a bit more story would've helped. Still, for a game of its era, it's too be expected.
Stages are fairly complex and feature a lot of platforms and locked doors.
 Lara is a contradictory mixture of nimble and stiff. She's got all kinds of moves, even some that you don't even need to use or are taught how to do, like jumping, running jump, turn-around-roll, diving jump, grabbing jumps(To cling to a wall or crack), jumping backwards, dropping backwards while holding out her hands to cling onto something.... there're a lot of moves and there's a lot of platforming involved. When the platforming gets going, it's pretty good, but the game loves to place ambiguous lengths, that kill you if you fail the jump, and it gets a while before you get the hang of running jumps and simple jumps, since misjudging a distance my get you killed if you over-shoot it. Running jumps are particularly nasty, you need to walk until Lara hits the edge of the platform, then take a backstep and then, and only then, are you guaranteed that Lara will make the running jump correctly.

 It's a bit more cumbersome, although the game was made with this precision in mind, since you've got tank controls, which don't get in the way of the platforming too much, but will annoy you during shootouts. Trying to pick up items can be a bit finicky too, since you need to be at just the right distance. Some of the jumps in the game are just evil, and the controls responsiveness can be debatable at times. Some of the traps are just nasty and you won't know they are there until you trigger them. It gets particularly bad when you learn that save crystals are placed at designated areas and are a one time use only. Their distribution is questionable as well, levels are very lengthy and you might come across a surplus of unnecessary savespots... or be forced to finish multiple tough sections back-to-back before being allowed to save again. The game starts off easy enough, but the last few levels are brutal.
The first stages are easy, just wait until you hit stage 6...
 Combat was a huge point of contention for me, firstly, most enemies are just plain, ol' boring animals. It feels more like a animal hunter than a tomb raider, and it doesn't help that enemies are bullet sponges that just charge at you. Lara automatically aims at the nearest animal, but dodging is pretty tough. I just relied on side jumps and back-jumps... which won't help you on some of the less spacious areas. Some of the combat scenarios are just unfair, so much so that you should exploit the AI by hiding somewhere they can't see you or reach you and shoot away. The few human enemies, who actually sport guns, are a bit tougher since they can shoot from afar, and since the dodging is so bland... it feels as if its luck if you'll get hit or not. Luckily you can find limited ammo for Uzis, Magnums and a Shotgun to even the odds, as well as collect medikits to heal yourself. Regardless, the combat won't be your main source of death, besides a few instances of not expecting to get ambushed in enclosed arenas without your guns out.

 The toughest enemy you'll face is, probably, the camera. Many a times it won't pick the best angles for your jumps, which kinda sucks. L1 can be used to look in first person, albeit Lara can't move in this mode, but it won't be of much help. It's not a terrible camera, but it's far from optimal.
For whatever reason, Lara's in-game model has no ponytail.
 Yeesh... Tomb Raider 1 hasn't aged very well. Regardless, as unfair, as clunky and as stiff as it could get... it can also be quite fun. Having so many moves at your disposal is quite amusing, and lent itself to some very exciting platforming segments for its era. I can appreciate what the game meant, but you have to make a few of concessions to enjoy it in this day and age.
 6.5 out of 10

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