Wednesday, March 21, 2018

Now Playing: Uncharted 4 - A Thief's End

 At least Elena and Nate didn't break up again.
Don't look sad, you can join Crash and Jak on the 'Characters Naughty Dog forgot about' club.
 Well... Uncharted has seen worse retcons. Remember how careless Sully was in Uncharted 1 yet became Nate's father figure in 3? Well, now we've got to believe that Nate had this long thought dead brother that he loved oh so much, yet never, EVER mentioned in previous games. Also, he was a pro at using the rope yet never used it before this game. Whatever, we've seen worse in the franchise.

 What can I say? It's the same Uncharted as always. I'm liking the framerate, which is very smooth and while I'm sure it's above 30 fps... something tells me it doesn't reach 60. Still, some scenes, under certain lightning, felt quite photorealistic, so kudos on that. Melee combat has been redesigned AGAIN and it's quite decent, probably the best one since 2.

 All in all, the game's very promising.

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