Friday, February 21, 2025

Action Figure #537: Star Wars The Black Series Second Sister(Inquisitor Cal Kestis 3-Pack)

  Not all villains wear capes... but she does.

 I kinda love Trilla AKA The Second Sister, and I didn't know that she had a figure. As a matter of fact, this is a rerelease of her, as she was sold on her own a few years ago. While she was not the specific reason I purchased this 3-Pack, she was a huge bonus because of how much I loved her role and character in Fallen Order.
 So, at a glance, I think she looks great, exactly like I remembered her. Her helmet is pretty cool, and I love her two-tone soft goods cape. I feel like her saber should've been a deeper red, but I'm good with it. Much like the other two figures on the pack, she has a pointing right hand, but unlike the Purge Trooper, hers doesn't get in the way of her weapon's hilt. Alright, despite how great I think she looks, I have one MAJOR issue with this figure... Trilla spends most of the game without her helmet. Fine, don't include an alternate head, I can live with that, but considering this was a rerelease... why not have her unmasked? I think Trilla is much more iconic without the helmet. But posing her against Cal, or Cere once they FINALLY release her, would look much more personal if she was unmasked.
 Articulation follows the older scheme of Black Series. Double Jointed knees, with thigh swivels, but single jointed elbows and no arm swivels. Her waist is on a ball-joint. Overall? Pretty solid. She is quite shorter than Bucky Cap.
 So, on one hand, I love this figure, but on the other hand, releasing her without her unmasked head is just criminal. We've had so few Fallen Order/Jedi Survivor figures, considering how many iconic character that series has, that at this point I'll take it, but... c'mon, release her without her helmet already!

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