Sunday, February 2, 2025

Action Figure #524: Marvel Legends Lilith

 Why the long face?

 Talk about a deep cut! Lilith is probably one of Marvel's most obscure characters. I happen to know her because I had a few issues of Midnight Sons and/or Ghost Rider that featured her, so I am familiar with her ugly mug. I was probably one of the only 3 people that got excited when she was anounced, heh!
 Lilith came out looking great. Maybe I would've made her forehead/horns/whatever a bit longer and taller, but other than that, I quite like her. She has a very unconventional color scheme, I mean, yeah, yeah, purple and green, but you also have to take into account her white skin and silver boots, and it gives her this weird charm when you look at her. Her hair is a translucent dark-grey color, which was an interesting choice. Lastly, she comes with an alternate set of hands.
 Articulation is exactly like other female Marvel Legends, with double jointed elbows and knees, so nothing new here. I had a bit of trouble getting her to stand on a neutral pose, curiously enough, Her cape might be a bit too heavy.
 The paint apps on her fishnets are spotty. One leg's paint doesn't reach the booth, while on the other leg it got painted OVER the boot! Not a good job, Hasbro.
 Minor paint app issues aside, they did a good job with Lilith, I'm happy with how she came out.

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