Friday, February 14, 2025

Action Figure #532: DC Universe Classics Clayface(Fists of Clay 2-Pack)

  He's got feet of clay.

 Talk about a more iconic villain than ClayFace, thanks to Bruce Timm at least. I've been wanting a Clayface figure for a while, since he seemed like a good, large villain I could own.
 Well, as far as the sculpt goes... this guy is incredible, he looks threatening and muddy, and I love how all the goopy details came out. It doesn't matter how you pose him, he will look incredible, that said, there's one big, bad flaw with: He has an expiration date. For some reason, they decided that his arms should be made of rubber, a material known for how badly it ages. So yeah, enjoy him while you can.
 The articulation is your standard DCUC fair, but with rubber arms that you can bend. In fact, ha has no wrist articulation whatsoever, so doing this only hurt the toy. It was a horrible idea.
 Being a 10 year old figure or so, his arms are already showing signs of age. I think I might try to encase his arms in resin or something.
 If the figure was made entirely out of plastic, he'd be an easy 10. He is one of the best sculpts I've seen from Mattel's DCUC by far. But the rubber arms were such a bad idea... it makes me wary of liking this figure too much, as I know I will eventually lose him.

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