Everything is better with Dragons.
And then, I went ahead and got Danerys Targaryen, one of my favorite characters in the series. I got Jamie because I felt he would look good in a medieval display, but Daenerys? Because I actually like her.Well, for starters, she doesn't look like Emilia Clarke... but she does look like Halsey, so that's something, right? The rest of the sculpt is very detailed, not only on the figure itself, but the figure has a black wash that highlights all the details of her sculpt. So while she doesn't really look like she doeso n the show, she is a great looking action figure.
Her articulation is a bit better than Jamie's. Single jointed elbows but double jointed knees, that remains. She also has swivels on her thighs. But the thing is... her hair is VERY soft, so her arms can move anywhere and you can turn her head anywhere, which you can't say about various Marvel Legends. Her ab crunch is on a ball joint, and it has pretty generous range too. Her skirt is very soft, so you don't lose much articulation on her legs.
Remember how I mentioned, on Jamie's entry, how this line is infamous for how brittle it is? Her legs were broken out of the box. I manage to salvage most of her legs thanks to super glue, but still. You can tell that her joints are made out of clear plastic, so they could give in any day now.
At first I thought my figure had a badly-molded arm, due to the holes on her shoulder, but they are there for her tiny dragon... but as much as I tried, I didn't manage to get her dragon to stand on her shoulder. Bummer. She is WAY shorter than Bucky Cap. and while this is accurate to the books, as she is very young, she looks so much shorter than any other figure on the line... that she just looks awkward. She should've been made taller.
Danerys is kinda lame. She's too short and looks nothing like Emilia Clarke, which ironically, makes this figure more of a version of Book Danerys, the 14 year old girl, and not of the TV show. That said, I really am not sure of how to fit her into my collection, due to her size. And her transparent joints just scare me. Oh, and I'm finishing writing this entry on another day... I managed to slot the Dragon into her shoulder! It works pretty well.
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