Friday, February 14, 2025

Action Figure #534: Star Wars The Black Series Pre Vizsla

  And what happens AFTER Vizsla? And DURING Vizsla?!

 I'm not gonna lie, I just discovered that this Mandalaroian with a horned helmet and the Darksaber existed and I just had to get him. There was also the Mandalorian Super Commando, but he is too expensive, so Pre Vizsla will have to do for now.
 At his core, this is just a Jango Fett recolor. He has all the benefits and detriments of that buck. I do love this gun-metal grey accents he has on his armor. But I did look this guy up, and Pre Vizsla shouldn't have all those cables coming out of his gauntlets, but I guess they didn't want to retool Jango's buck. Aside from that, I think he is a badass looking Mandalorian. He also comes with the darksaber, two guns and a jetpack, and his jetpack has a tiny hook for the darksaber's hilt, but let's be honest, it can barely hold it.
 Articulation is the same as Jango, for good or...
 ...bad. Remember how poor Jango's arm bend was? They didn't fix it, and in Vizsla's case it sucks because he fights with a sword. Also, for whatever reason, while it's easy to get him into dynamic poses, he has a hard time standing in neutral poses due to his tiny feet.
 Pre Vizsla is alright, but he is riding on coolness alone, because his articulation leaves a lot to be desired.

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