Friday, February 14, 2025

Action Figure #533: DC Super Heroes Doomsday

  Did you ever notice that Doomsday has a ponytail?

 I had Darkseid and Luthor, but I was missing another key figure among Superman villains: Doomsday. Not my favorite villain, but one of the most important ones in Superman's history no doubt. 'Sides, last year I read DAROS entirely for the first time, so now I'm a bit more knowledgeable about his origins!
 He looks alright. I'll tell you this much, quite a bit of work went into him, because all the spikes on his back, chest, shoulders, arms and hands are new sculpting done exclusively for him. As a matter of fact, I think his entire sculpt was made from scratch just for him. His proportions are a bit off when compared to other figures in the line, but he is not too bad.
 Articulation is the standard DCUC fare. He is taller than Bucky-Cap, and while he is larger than Superman, he does have different proportions, as seen below, Superman has a larger head. So it's not a perfect match-up between figures, but you can make him work. But even then, I think Doomsday should've been a bit taller and beefier than he is.
 Doomsday is an alright figure. I think that the killer of Superman could've been done a bit better, as just making him a tad taller could've worked amazing for him.

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