Saturday, June 19, 2021

Game #1016: Freekstyle

  Time to get freeky.

 Seems this year will be filled with extreme sports and getting out of my comfort zone, as Freekstyle is a flippin' dirtbike racing game. What am I doing playing this? I don't know!

 The game has a single player campaign, named Circuit, which is where you'll unlock most things, Single Race, letting you race on any of the measly 6 tracks available, as well as Free Ride, which is self explanatory and Freestyle in which you must aim to score points on 3 unique tracks to this mode. While the amount of characters is pretty decent, and each one has an assortment of bikes and costumes to unlock... there's no denying that there is a noticeable lack of tracks to race in. I'll give it this, all six main tracks are fairly distinctive and well designed, although I thought the final track could be a bit confusing, but it's still a rather small amount.

 Gameplay keeps it simple: X accelerates, Square boosts and R1, R2, L1 and L2 perform tricks, what's more any combination of the shoulder buttons nets you different tricks and pressing Square while performing a trick will get you another trick. If you continue to land tricks without wiping out you'll fill a red gauge, once full you can attempt the all-shoulder-button super trick, which upon landing will get you a super long turbo! I gotta say, I loved the sense of speed in the game.

 I don't have much more to add as I'm clearly out of my element here, but I thought Freekstyle was pretty good, I simply would've liked to have more of it.


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