Thursday, June 17, 2021

Game #1012: Cool Boarders 2

 And now, it finally has hot boarders... with a cheat code.

 And thus, I continue sliding off the snow mountain that is the Cool Boarders series with Cool Boarders 2, the second entry that made the first game look like a beta. More racers, more coursers and more modes... it's certainly a step in the right direction.

 Let's start with the Modes: Competition is the Story Mode in which you go through all 10 tracks against 7 CPU racers. Freestyle is either a race against yourself.. or against another player, yes, we finally have multiplayer! Big air is a mini-mode in which you try to score the best you can off a huge jump, Half-Pipe is about scoring as you go down a half pipe and Board Park is a pseudo-tutorial. Basically, this feels like a proper game.

 There are more racers than in the previous game, and you can customize their clothes, there isn't much variety, but hey, they tried! Character models are still a bit goofy, but not as bad as the first game. Oh! And there's a code to dress up the girls in a leather corset(It was the 90's, cut them some slack) and a school uniform.

 While the added content is very welcome, I still think the game is a bit clunky. The trickset is very limited and very specific, for example, R2+Left does nothing, and coming out of the Tony Hawk series that feels... it feels wrong. And it is unfair, but as someone that doesn't play sports games, that makes it less fun than another game I could be playing to scratch a very similar itch. I doubt it was my joystick, but sometimes it felt like the timing to pull off tricks was very... strict, as my tricks failed to come out at times. I don't know... Also, while the music is still good, I think the first game had more memorable tracks.

  While it's a step up from the first game, I think that it still feels a bit too clunky. Look, it's not like I can't step out of my comfort zone, I really liked Trick 'n' Snowboarding, for example, but I think it'd take a snowboarding fan to enjoy a game as aged as this one. 


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