Saturday, February 13, 2021

Game #910: River City Girls

  No, I didn't wanna go back. NO, I DID NOT WANT TO PICK THAT UP!

 You know, I was never much into the River City Ransom series, if at all. I didn't grow up with the original, and when I got to play it the game was way past its prime. I tried a few of the other games, but the only one that really caught my eye was the Kunio-tachi SNES game, which was dark and stuff, with the boys even getting locked up in juvie, if I remember correctly. Regardless, Wayforward was tasked with making a new game in the series, River City Girls, so of course I just had to try it.

 Wayforward's trademark sprite expertise is in full display here, the animation is fantastic. Kyoko and Misako are super cute and badass, and the unlockable boys look beefy and cool. Oh, yes, you can unlock Riki and Kunio, and all four characters get their own unique movesets, which is amazing.

 The game is fairly simple, you have basic moves, strong moves and super moves that run on a gauge that fills as you land hits, although most moves must be purchased from the dojo. To be fair, you'll probably devise a combo that works really well and try to stick with it for the rest of the game, but hey, you've got plenty of options.

 Traversing River City while pummeling mooks is fun, but I thought the bosses were a bit lame. At least three of them felt super gimmicky, like friggin' Abobo who'll interrupt anything that isn't a 4-weak hit string, a Guitar-hero-esque boss and a shooter hell-esque boss. No obstacle is too high since you can spend money on restorative items, but still...

 I've got one HUGE gripe with the game that really got on my nerves: The basic attack button... that triples as the 'enter area' and 'pick up weapon' button. It's so easy to enter another area or pick up something when you're trying to bash baddies. And it's hard to remember to get away from an area entrance when as soon as you enter enemies go towards you, so you'll just hit the attack button and... have to sit through a loading screen taking you back from where you came. This was a constant annoyance throughout at the game, and it's a shame because the rest of the game is rock solid.

 This just might be the best game Wayforward has developed yet. It has their usual masterful spritework coupled with simple but enjoyable gameplay that makes their best games so good.


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