Saturday, August 31, 2019

The DLC Report: Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3 - The Black Order Free Update #1

  As usual, Cyclops can't help himself from leading, so lead the DLC he does.

Image may contain: 1 person
 The new Free DLC of things that should've been in the game from the get go just released and it kinda misses its mark. Colossus and Cyclops are brilliant new additions to the cast, both being pretty fun to use and can even synergize with each other on 3 of their skills, which instantly makes pairing them a great idea. What isn't so great is the way to unlock things.

 A new rift was added, with 10 new challenges, which sounds neat, but just like the Rifts before them, they are made up of recycled boss fights, locations and enemies, so you'll be replaying stuff you've already played. Worse of all, unlocking the new costumes is a pain in the butt, since these are some of the hardest challenges in the game, some even having a level 94 requirement. NINETY FOUR!!! For a flippin' Ms. Marvel costume! Spider-man's costume requires perfecting the entire grid. Thanks, but no thanks. Regardless, a 94 level requirement implies having played the game on the four previous difficulty settings, which means, like me, you'll have gone through the game and the various rifts over and over again, so having replay things I've already played(Even if not under the conditions the new challenges place on you) all these things countless times, so excuse me if I'm not exited at the idea of having to play the Ultron/Ant-man fight again.

 Basically, the new content is neat, Cyke and Colossus are fine, but the new rift is more tedious and annoying than fun. A better idea would've been a Rift tailored around leveling up your two new characters, so that they hit level 60 or so by the time you are done with the rift. As it stands, costumes are bonus content for people that have played the game at least three different times and don't care about repeating stuff under new restrictions and limits.
 6.0 out of 10

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