Sunday, August 4, 2019

Review #678: 64 Memories - Snowboard Kids 2

 To be fair, it's not always 'snow'boarding in this one.
 Part I: The Flashback
 Snowboard Kids 2 is part three of the four-part 'unfulfilled dreams' saga, which means that it's yet another sequel I never got to play to a game I loved. The only information I had on this game came from a one-page spread ad on Gamepro as well as their review, but it was enough to know that I needed this game in my life. And yet, now I managed to satiate that need.

 Part II: The Review
 It's pretty much Snowboard Kids 1 but with more stuff. No, really. Every character but Shinobin(The secret character) returns, joined by another four characters, for a total of nine. Although three of the new characters can only be played in Battle Mode(The multiplayer Mode, although a single player can play against three CPUS). The weapons and items from the first game return, joined by a Tornado projectile, a second Turbo Item as well as a Wing item that gives you more air when jumping. Instead of six courses, there are 15(With four repeats, for a total of 11 different tracks). It's the same, but more of it. And that's OK with me when the original game was so good!

Image result for Snowboard kids 2
 But the developers weren't content with simply adding stuff, there are a couple of minor additions that make the game, as a whole, better. Let's start with the new Story Mode, a 12-course mode in which you get short, comedic cutscenes before and after each race. There are also 3 bosses waiting to be defeated. In this mode you can also find the 'Trick' and 'Shoot' minigames from the first game, as well as purchase new boards or change their paintjob, just like in the first game! Every character has four different costumes, which is really neat.

 The first game was mostly about snowboarding, with a forest stage and a dessert stage, but Snowboard Kids 2 upped the ante with even more themes, as you'll race down a jungle, a giant house(Actually, the story-mode cutscenes shows that it's actually the characters who grow down in size), a halloween-themed track and even a giant space ship! And you'll race to the tune of a fantastic soundtrack, just like the first game, but, having more stages, means that there's also more music.

Image result for Snowboard kids 2
 There were a couple of other tweaks to change how the game plays, now tricks are much simpler to pull off: Hold the analog stick towards a direction and let go of A before a jump.. or mash the A button to spin even more times for even more money. Also remember to mash the C-buttons in tandem to perform grabs and score even more money. The other tweak went into the game being, as a whole, less punishing. Hitting an item box with no money will no longer trip you, and getting hit with powers like the Snowman or the Icicle seem to last less than before. The parachute is still a bastard though, and that's the way it should be.

 While I've got a massive amount of nostalgia towards the first game, Snowboard Kids 2 is easily the better game, with more content and more variety alongside the same fantastic gameplay from the first iteration. I'll admit that little has changed between both games, but there's no need to fix what ain't broken. Plus, a controller pack is no longer required.
 8.0 out of 10

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