Thursday, November 9, 2017

Now Playing: Samurai Western

 Screams of low budget.
I love the artwork
 You've probably heard of Samurai Western, you've never played it but you've probably heard of it. People either love it or hate it and... I'm up to stage five and I neither love it nor hate it. The game's been called a Way of the Samurai spin-off, but frankly, I don't see the resemblance.

 Anyways, the game feels like a low budget game thanks to its poor graphics, poor animations(Cutscenes and gameplay both) and wonky gameplay. This one time I was going up some stairs and I just fell through them to the floor. The mechanics are also pretty barebones: You mash the square buttons and defeat enemies until the game decides you've killed enough, don't worry, they don't stop spawning. Ever. And that's the game in a nutshell.

 There're a few extras, like customizing your character with accessories and different swords with different stances, but they are just fluff.

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