Monday, January 25, 2016

Now Playing: Super Mario Land(Virtual Console)

 So there's such a thing as a bad Mario game!
 Listen, I'm a huge Mario fan, and I've fond memories of playing this game on an old bootleg 32-in-1 cart. But this game is pretty bad, it's aged pretty poorly.

 Firstly, the oddities: What's up with the enemies? Moai statues? Flying Moai Statues? Egyptian levels? Sub-marine levels? Koopa Troopa's shells explode? Whaaaaaaaaat?

 Then the bad: The physics, the overall movement is fairly slippery. It's not uncommon for Mario to try to compete with blocks for their spot on the background, before being repelled backwards. Precision jumping is pretty tough due to how slippery Mario's movement is, and how awkward the jumping is, you can somewhat alter the jump's arc but it's fairly awkward to do. The best way I can explain the game's physics is that it feels as if someone who played Mario(NES) and tried to imitate its physics but couldn't quite pull it off. Like one of those amateur fanmade Mario games.

 And what did I like?... Nothing. It's not a good game, it really isn't.

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