Friday, May 31, 2024

Action Figure #84: DC Multiverse Spoiler

  I've been foreshadowing spoilers, right?

 Oh, look, the second dead Robin! I won't lie, I don't think I cared too much about Spoiler, Stephanie Brown, until she became the third Batgirl. She was pretty cool in that role, so I've been wanting a figure of her for a while.
 Being part of the Multiverse line, she's got a new sculpt than the figures DCUC used to have. Her arms look a bit weird, but the rest of the sculpt is alright. An alternate, unmasked head would've been welcome, but this is fine. She's a decent looking figure, although a bit stocky.
 Her articulation is reminiscent of The Batgirl of Burnside, but her torso is much better. Also, unlike other female Multiverse figures, her feet can pivot, which let's her stand in more poses. The cape does get in the way of some poses, but it's not too bad. Surprisingly, she's a small figure, being shorter than the Bucky-Cap Mold. I think Tim should've been this height too.
 She's alright. I mean, she's an unremarkable figure, but she's not half bad, y'know? Her sculpt is not the best, the articulation is not the best, but I've not major gripes with it.

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