Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Action Figure #24: DC Universe Classics Red Arrow

  Also known as Speedy or Arsenal, depending on when you ask.

 Ah! Roy Harper, wearing his Red Arrow costume, one of Nightwing's friend who was stolen for Jason in New 52. Bitterness aside, I've always liked Red Arrow pre-New 52 as one of Dick Grayson's friends, as a fellow Titan. Just as a random trivia bit, as of me writing this I still don't have a Green Arrow figure.
 This guy looks really nice. He is one one of the larger DCUC body molds, but the red and maroon look beautiful on him. His face is very expressive and slightly angry befitting him quite well, and I love the wide arrow quiver on his back. He comes with a bow that has an arrow hoisted so that he can have it on one of his hands.
 In what is somewhat unique for this line, Roy's bow-hand offers some up-and-down articulation, which is weird since these figures' hands are usually on a swivel joins. Still, I'm not one to complain about extra articulation! Like a few other DCUC figures, his side-movement on the legs was a bit tight, so I had to oil it up. Since he is on the larger DCUC molds, he is slightly taller than the Bucky-Cap mold, and even taller than his buddy, Nightwing.
 I really liked this DCUC figure, I think they knocked it out of the park with Roy. Maybe I would've put him on the shorter Nightwing buck, but him being slightly taller still works.

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