Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Action Figure #186: Marvel Legends Silk(Silk/Doc Ock 2-Pack)

  Silky smooth.

 Silk is a character I like despite it being Slott at his worst. And trust me, Slott can go be quite bad. Her first costume was... webs. Just webs. And she and Peter got horny whenever they got close because the same spider bit them, which is one of the stupidest things I've ever read in my life. I mean, just the fact that the same spider bit someone else, like, what the hell. And then he nerfed Peter's spider-sense to shill her.
 Thankfully, eventually she got a proper costume, this one, and I think she looks incredible. The face sculpt is gorgeous, and she's fit on the pinless Shriek mold. She gets an alternate webby hand that I love to pose her with. About the only thing that irks me... is that she has no paint on her back. Even her previous figure had the costume design on her back, so... why is she paintless on her back?
 The articulation is super smooth, and I've already talked about the Shriek mold, so there's nothing new to add. She's almost as articulated as a Bucky-Cap mold.
 For a long, long while this has been my favorite female Marvel Legends. I love her look and all the cool poses she can strike.

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