Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Action Figure #167: Power Rangers Lightning Collection Black Omega Ranger(Omega Rangers 4-Pack)

  Who's this guy? I don't know, but he's so cool!

 This figure has one of the coolest boxes I've ever seen! That aside, I've know idea who the Omega Rangers are, but they looked cool, so I got the four pack. And why not start with the Omega Black Ranger, right?
 This guy's mold is actually really cool, he's got a shield, like the Green Ranged, and the shiny bronze accents are just cheff's kiss. The underbody of the suit is made of a lighter black, which makes helps highlight the armored parts.
 This is not the Bucky-Cap mold, but the articulation is pretty similar, only that the hinge is on the waist, and the torso is connected on a ball-joint. His torso has a lot of range, back-and-forth, so you can get him into various dynamic poses. 
 Pretty cool figure, what can I tell ya. I rushed to get my pre-order in, and I don't regret anything.

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