Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Action Figure #168: Marvel Legends Medusa(Thanos Imperative)

  Time for a bad hair day.

 What would Black Bolt be without his wife, Medusa? Nothing, that's what. The Queen of the Inhumans was a very neccesary figure in my collection.
 But was this the right figure? I don't know... does anything about this figure scream Medusa to you? Like, really, I know she wore this costume during War of Kings too, but I look at her and she could've been any other red-headed female character. I think I would've given her a more dynamic hair sculpt, because this figure doesn't do it for me. Besides, what's up with those hands? That's not Medusa. Mine also came with missing paint on her lips, and some of the metallic pink paint, which is arguably really cool, is a bit off centered. It's not noticeable unless you look up close, but still. She's another one of those figure on the tiny stiletto heels, BUT, her hair works wonderfully to get her to stand up. 
 She's got the same sub-standard(For Marvel Legends figures) articulation as the Scarlet Witch buck, so no bicep swivels or double-jointed elbows, not even a waist swivel. Her hair is VERY heavy, which makes her neck a bit loose, so good luck getting a decent head pose with her. Her heels make her taller than the Bucky Cap mold.
 Yeah.... not a bit fan.

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