Saturday, June 1, 2024

Action Figure #120: Game Dimensions Jin Kazama

 He cares so little he is packaged showing you his back.
 I'm pretty sure that Game Dimensions is an offshoot of Anime Heroes and Dragon Stars, because this Jin Kazama feels like the next step after Anime Heroes, in terms of sculpting and articulation.
 Look at this guy! He looks fantastic. He is just a shirtless guy, but his body is sculpted beautifully. He also has his iconic Tekken gauntlets and everything. That said, they did something that I find a bit questionable... To simulate pants, his legs are covered with a very rubbery soft plastic. It hides the articulation well, but... the more you bend it, the more the paint of the designs start to chip. And I wonder just how durable this material is, won't it degrade over time? I would've preferred more traditional plastic sculpting and paint, to be honest... but I guess only time will tell. His red guards also look plasticky, because they are just this bright, plastic red color without anything else on them.
 The articulation is pretty good, the elbows and knees are double jointed, he has a ball-jointed waist and an ab crunch, as well as ball jointed shoulders. You can get a lot of Tekken-y poses on the guy. He's taller than the Bucky-Cap mold.
 He is a pretty good figure, but the y really need to start trying to make their figures look less than tiys. These plastic-red pieces, namely the belt and the guards need some more colored highlights on them. I'm also not too sure about the thing they did with the pants.. That aside, the sculpt is really good, and the articulation is just as good.

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