Saturday, June 1, 2024

Action Figure #119: DC Universe Classics Lex Luthor(Kryptonite Chaos)

  I bet he only hates Superman because of his luscious hair.

  No, I do not own the Supergirl figure... although maybe I should, she looks cool. Anyways! We are here to talk about Lex Luthor, not Superman's.... damn, Supergirl's story are convoluted. Maybe that's even Matrix...
 Anyways, back to our baldy villain, Lex. This guy is featured in his iconic power armor. He shares more than a few pieces with Mr. Freeze, but looks very, very different. Originally it had some orange cables by his shoulders, but I bought this guy used and those were broken! Still, you know, he looks massive and imposing, definitely a match for Supes.
 ... if only he could move. The green skirt makes sure that he can't move his legs, like, at all, and his armor restricts the range on his arms... and, by the by, he suffers from Iron Fist's collar syndrome, he can't look to the sides! He is slightly taller than the Bucky-Cap mold.
 I mean... he is accurate, but he's not too good of an action figure because there's not much action to this figure!

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