Sunday, June 2, 2024

Action Figure #121: Marvel Legends Avalanche

  Gee whiz, I wonder what his power is!?

 Avalanche is not the coolest guy in the world, nor the most popular, but when I was younger I had an action figure of him, so I wanted to own him again!
 The sculpt.... I like the sculpt The silver paint looks really nice, and the guy looks beefy, just as I'd expect him to. However... This was the first Marvel Legends that ever broke on me. Both arms did. It seems the plastic they used was garbage, because I looked it up and it happened to other people as well. I had to use the Screw Fix on him, to mixed results... but at least he has arms, I guess.
 Articulation is what you'd expect of the Marvel Legends line. Mine is a bit wonky because I drilled to far, but hey, he was my first attempt! My first two attempts actually.
 He's... he sucks. I mean, the figure looks nice, I like it, but... both arms? Really? And I'm not the only one with that issue? C'mon Hasbro.

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