Saturday, June 1, 2024

Action Figure #116: Marvel Legends Black Panther(Infinity Saga)

 Cats are better with purple.

 I'm not a huge MCU figure collector because, honestly, I don't care about the MCU, but this Black Panther fig looked rather cool.
 Is it a new mold? Is it not? I have nothing else to compare him to(Or do I?), but I'll tell you this, he looks pretty decent. The figure has a lot of texturing everywhere, which looks nice, and the metallic purple highlights compliment him nicely, although I would've added more of them, My main issue is that his torso is a bit too wide, his arms, in particular, look rather frail in comparison.
 The articulation is really good, it's practically as articulated as Pizza Spidey, butterfly joints on his arms and everything. He can get into a ton of really cool poses, so that the width of his torso isn't as noticeable. He is slightly taller than the Bucky/Cap mold.
 This is a really good figure all-around. He is definitely not a substitute for a comic-book T'Challa though.

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