Wednesday, August 25, 2021

Game #1069: Scott Pilgrim VS The World - The Game Complete Edition

  They are using word, 'Complete', I do not think it means what the think it means.

 After much begging, campaigning and praying, Scott Pilgrim VS The World: The Game Complete Edition got a re-release, as this was one of those games that showed why physical media matters so much. But Ubisoft is Ubisoft, so they even managed to botch the limited physical release: Knives Chau can only be unlocked by syncing with a Ubisoft Account. Bunch o' jokers, the whole point of this release was that digital media is not as reliable as physical media.

 But I digress, I'm happy I finally get to own the game, even if it isn't quite as good as I would've liked. Scott Pilgrim is a beat'em up styled after River City Ransom. You move from left to right beating up every baddy in sight, while picking up the money they leave behind so that you can buy items or food to restore your health and/or enhance your stats. And you'll want to enhance your stats, 'cause the game can be downright brutal even on the easiest setting until you get properly leveld up. Enemies will gang up on you, they'll lock your attacks and they'll be really friggin' cheap.

 Gameplay is simple, Y is your weak attack, X is your strong attack, you have a summon attack, a 360 degree attack that consumes health, you can get new moves when leveling up and you can also pick up a plethora of weapons to make your job easier. Or harder, if the weapon you pick up sucks. The engine is pretty good, and you can get some decent combos by juggling enemies in the air, but it's definitely not as refined as Streets of Rage 4.

 The game NEEDS to be commended on how GOOD it looks. The sprite-work is reminiscent of  custom, detailed sprite-art you can find on the internet... but in playable form. If you like 2-D pixel art this game is pure eye candy.

 The game is very brief, shouldn't take over two hours, and that's considering I did some grinding for money in order to get my stats up to par. If you are so inclined, this game includes a few bonus modes that sed to be DLC, such as survival

 I'm glad Scott Pilgrim got the Physical release it deserved, it's a shame Ubisoft hid some content behind a download, but of course, they are Ubisoft, when was the last time they did something without ruining it in some way, shape or form? I'm a bit disappointed that the game is not as great as its reputation would suggest, but the game is far and away from being bad, it's just that I think it's mythical status might play against it.


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