Saturday, August 7, 2021

Game #1059: Disney Classic Games - Aladdin and the Lion King

  Let it wait all it wants, this game will never be the king.

 I've mentioned it before, but while I skipped the SNES/Genesis generation I still consider it one of the best and love the games from that era, something about their graphics and sounds just entice me to no end. Which is why SNES/Genesis re-releases, like this very game, Disney Classic Games: Aladdin and The Lion King are right up my alley.

 First thing I'll mention is that I was somewhat disappointed by the game selection. In this cart we get: Aladdin Genesis, in its original release, a touched up revised version(Bug fixes mostly), its demo and the Japanese release, for whatever reason, it also contains the Gameboy port, which can be played in its Super Gameboy colorized form. So... where's Capcom SNES version? Why not the Gameboy Color updated rerelease that made the Gameboy original obsolete? Kinda lame, right? The Lion King side is a bit more complete, featuring the SNES and Genesis versions, although to be fair these are different versions of the SAME game, the Japanese release and the Gameboy/Super Gameboy port. Every game offers the ability to toggle on Invulnerability, use the Rewind feature and use save states.

 Aladdin's Genesis game is quite probably the best game in this cart, but... I can't say I enjoyed it much. I grew up playing a NES bootleg version of Capcom's game, so that's where my loyalty lies, but I always thought Aladdin wielding a sword looked pretty cool. But the game wasn't very memorable, some stages require some very precise platforming that kinda threw me off for a bit. I mean, it's decent, but nothing worth writing home about I think.

 The Gameboy port is absolutely dreadful. Wonky physics on your jumps that make platforming a chore, as it's very easy to lose your jump arc and just plummet down, obtuse level design, having to press a button to toggle between your sword and your apples and the game itself is super slow. It's interesting to see how they ported the Genesis game, but it's very bad. They should've included the GBC version instead, which I heard was slightly better.

 As for the Console version of The Lion King, both SNES and Genesis versions are almost exactly alike, the SNES version sounds and looks better, but the Genesis version has slightly more polished gameplay. Not that it matters, as some of the level design is just annoying, requiring and obscenely precise pixel-perfect jumps or just puzzling design choices, such as the cave mazes near the end of the game.

 The GB version is an absolute dreg, jumps require EVEN MORE precision, but now you also have to wrestle with unresponsive controls and seriously messed up hitboxes, really, just try to cling onto the Hippopotamuses' tails I dare ya.

 I really like the fact that this compilation exists, and the tweaks(Rewind, invulnerability, Save States) are very welcome, but these games haven't aged very well, so it's something to keep in mind. I really enjoy re-releases from this era, and I think they did a good job with them, even if they could've added a few more games, I just wish the games were better! Regardless, I'll keep buying these SNES/Genesis rereleases as long as they keep'em coming.


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