Monday, February 25, 2013

Why KOS-MOS doesn't Work: A Xenoblade Prologue

  Meet KOS-MOS, the dumbest design you'll ever find.
 KOS-MOS makes no sense. At all. Bold statement, but completely well founded. KOS-MOS is supposed to be the only anti-gnosis ever, and they make it a... woman? First of all, if you had to give it a human body for whatever reason, you'd give it a male body. Why? Breasts. Breasts get in the way, there's a reason Amazons would burn one of their breasts in order to be proficcient with a Bow. And no, there's no "breast rockets" nor protective coating, proof of this is SRTOG, where KOS-MOS breasts bounce. You wouldn't place important circuitry in a "soft" spot, specially not in such a easy to target place. Breasts have no place on a mobile weapon. I'm willing to give the Realian women a pass since it's feasible to think that, since they don't have any particular purpose, companies would have taken a "Sex sells aproach", after all it's Japan we are talking about, they sell pillow-covers with anime girls on them, and the ever popular breast-mouse pads. But a Weapon? You want it to be efficient. And what about the cost? Being the only anti-Gnosis weapons would mean that she was probably quite expensive, last thing you want is to increase the cost by adding unnecesary features, like breasts.
 And what else does KOS-MOS have to aid her in battle? A Mini-skirt. Right, because that doesn't impair movement at all. And high heels. She's the only anti-gnosis weapon, and she wears high heels and a mini-skirt. Stupidity doesn't end there, it also has long hair, giving enemies another place from where to grab her. This amounts to KOS-MOS being the less realiable weapon one could find, and to top it all off, the only one that can harm the enemy Gnosis.
 I haven't mentioned the brilliant idea to give the ONLY anti-gnosis weapon a conciense yet. Why would you do that? If you, finally, after being defenceless for so long against an enemy, managed to create an anti-gnosis weapons, last thing you'd do is make it a robot. Heck, even in game, there's an incident where KOS-MOS goes haywire and kills people. Why would you continue with it? Just make it a weapon, doesn't take a genius to realize it's much more cost-efficient and reliable than having it "think".
 Her backstory doesn't make sense either, she kills Shion's lover, after going haywire, so Shion decides to complete her? It's not like KOS-MOS was their life-long proyect, not at all. Shion has no reason to decide to finish her, no real motivator. "Kevin's dream"? Bullsh!t. And the saddest part? Shion treats her like a daughter or some kind of love interest(It's Japan, so it's probably both), it makes no sense.
 I noticed something... if you enjoy a game, if it's good, you won't ever think about this stuff. It's only when a game is so bad that you can't stand it that you begin to realize just how dumb the plot can get. That's why some games get away with making no sense. They are so fun they suck you into their world. That's why older games are still fun today, even if they have no story at all. As long as the foundations are solid, you will have fun with it.
 Xenosaga 2 is a game that doesn't want to be played.


  1. You know, I agree with a few of the points you made in your article, but I don't think that the problem with KOS-MOS is her being female *SPOILERS* since she is based on Mary Magdalene *ENDSPOILERS* but why can't a robot be female?
    Or saying that the realians have no purpose so then they are female... I don't want to say that you are being sexist, but isn't it a bit unfair?

    I agree that they use KOS-MOS as fetish fuel and that's plain ridiculous (since I wouldn't certainly dress my robot as a sex toy), but still: you can have e female robot if you do it right (like you said, no "soft boobs" they really could have mad them of steel ahah, and short hair).
    Miniskirts actually (if they aren't tight) are quite comfortable and leave your legs free, but I don't see them on a battle field.
    Fanservice is a plague of the gaming world.

    Anyway, just my opinion, hope I didn't offend you.

    My point is that there's no reason why a female robot couldn't exist, it just comes down on how you do it.

    1. Maybe I came about a bit sexist, unintentionally, but my point was: This is their ONLY anti-Gnosis weapon, the one thing that could save them from an enemy that they couldn't even harm. So I assume that they'd go with functionality over style or looks.

      And I agree, there's no reason a female robot wouldn't exist. My problem lies with KOS-MOS and KOS-MOS alone D:!
