Thursday, February 21, 2013

Memories of a Young Pokemon Master

 I used to be the best. The very best.

 So how did everything begin? Well, before Pokemon became famous I.... who am I kidding, the TV Show, of course. Regardless, after getting hooked to the TV show, I knew of the existance of the Gameboy games, but I wasn't a fan of the portable console. Such a small screen? Limited color pallette? Bro, I had a N64, 3D, why'd I want a little NES?. Everything changed once I got my grubby paws on Pokemon Stadium. You could link it to the Gameboy games? Oh man, I want this sh!t!. So I pleaded. And pleaded. And eventually convinced my parents that Pokemon Yellow was a great investment for my entertainment purposes! And I promised to get good grades(Which I didn't. Mom, Dad, you should've learnt not to pay it forward!).
 And I got addicted to Pokemon Yellow. I'd play it on the Doduo Tower(Never managed to unlock the Dodrio Tower) for hours on end. Nevermind the fact that I loved, loved the art on the instruction booklet, it used very light colors, and it was very simple, but very eye catching, I'd reread the manual just to look at all the art.
  My closest friends got Pokemon Yellow too, so we'd speak of the game during school breaks. For some reason I can't recall, I suddenly had the urge to play Gameboy Games on the go, so, once again, I pleaded... and I got one... alongside Pokemon Blue(And since my sister would complain, they bought her a Gameboy too, and Pokemon Red). Since this is a third world, pirate games run abound, so I told my parents "Hey, this yellow cartridges are counterfeit, the only yellow cart is Pokemon yellow", so we went back to the store, and, of course, I was right, so somehow I convinced them to get us the original copies of Blue and Red, despite them being waay more expensive. And I ate Pokemon blue up. It was almost the same game as Yellow, but it was still fun. Interestingly enough, as a kid, I never had trouble remembering which Pokemon I had, but when I replayed the game when I was older, I noticed that, once you are in a random battle, there's no way to know if you already caught it!

 One day, for some reason, I decided to bring my Gameboy to school, and after some days, my friends started bringing their GBs to school. And afterwards? Kids who had a Gameboy would bring it. You can call me a TrendSetter! Pokemon became an every-day tradition, I'd clear the Elite 4 time and time again. It was fun.
 Then news of Pokemon Gold and Silver started coming, Oh. My. God, was I excited! I clearly remember an EGM issue that had Ho-Oh on it's cover, my god, did that issue hype me up. I'd tell my parents and my friends about all the new stuff the game would bring! And as soon as those games made it over here, I got Gold and my Sister got Silver. To this day, Gold and Silver remain my favorite Pokemon generation ever. With Cyndaquill being my favorite Pokemon and starter.
 And my god, do I have memories with Pokemon Gold. This was the game that made me want to get a Link Cable(Which I managed to find, but it was a counterfeit, and it would bring some fun experiences later on....). By the time I got it, I had already cleared the game, and the first thing I did was send all my Pokemon Yellow creatures to my Gold Cartridge. My time-honed Level 100 Pikachu and Level 100 Mewtwo were my most prized posessions. So prized, that a then-friend, but future enemy, wanted me to lend him my Pikachu, since he couldn't clear the Elite 4. I said yes, but played the fool and never lent it to him... I had a feeling I might not see my Pikachu again.
 Kanto. Once you beat the game, you opened up the road to Kanto. I had no idea about that, so when I first experienced it, my mind was blown. It's never been done again in any other Pokemon, the ability to return to the area of a previous Pokemon game, which is a shame, since this is one of the reasons Pokemon Gold and Silver were so awesome.
 Red. You can battle Red. This. Mind Blown. Again. Completely unexpected, and completely awesome.
 The legendary Cats. To be honest, way back then, me and my friends thought they were Dogs, so we'd call them the Legendary Dogs. All of us had agreed that it was nigh impossible to catch them all without the Masterball, so we gave up without even trying.... But I had bought a Expert Gamer magazine, and I read about Gengar and Mean Look. So one night, waaaay past my bedtime, I got a Hunter, traded it to Gold to get a Gengar, and trained him to level 56(I can't believe I remember the exact number). So the whole night I was chasing the Legendary Cats. And I caught them. All three of them. Next day I went to school, I was dead tired. But I was feeling like a baws. First thing I tell my friends is "I caught them." I caught them.
 206. That was the last number I saw my original file clock, before my data got deleted. Every day, when my mom would drive dad to work, and then leave us at school, I'd be chilling in the backseat, probably re-defeating the Elite 4. Or rebattling Red. I had caught, thanks to my sister's Pokemon Silver and Red, almost all of the Pokemon, and I was missing a very few of them. I'd probably got over 230 of them. Me and my friends were addicted, so eventually, we started wondering just who was the better Pokemon Master, and I had a Link Cable, so...
 I did mention it was a counterfeit Cable, right? We had the weirdest experience while battling. For some reason, in my friend's gameboy, it looked as if I had sent a Tangela, which I hadn't, and it was a Shiny Tangela. And even though he got the Tangela to 0 HP, it kept on fighting(We, instead of freaking out, were highly amused, so we continued fighting to see what'd happen). As for me, it'd look as if my friend had sent a Tentacruel, which he didn't have, and every now and then, when I got it to half HP, he'd call Tentacruel back, and... switch it with itself? Very odd.
 Fast forward to the future, I got a Gameboy Advance, with Mario Advance 1. It'd be my only GBA game for a looong time, since they were expensive as heck. So, one day we went to the Chuy... Tax-free games? I'm. So. In. The first game I get? Pokemon Ruby. I fell in love with it. It was a blast. Granted, I didn't get as addicted as I got with Pokemon Gold. The fact that only one of my friends had a GBA and Pokemon probably had to do with it, since there was no "Comparing notes" with more people. Still, when I look at Ruby now, I can't see why I enjoyed it so much. The new Pokemon design are a step back from Gold and Silver, and I remember being dissapointed at "just 8 gyms again? No 2nd city?!"
 I wouldn't play a Pokemon game again until Pearl. This time, I could tell the designs weren't too good. Definitly better than Gen 3 though! And I clocked over 120 hours on this game, thanks to the Wi-Fi. Trading 'mons only was a blast. Right now, on that cartridge, I have every Pokemon and Stone I need to fill the Pokedex, but I lost the drive to fill it.
 And then comes Pokemon HeartGold, the one I consider to be the Perfect Pokemon Game. I barely clocked 50+ hours or so, but it is the best Pokemon game. Everything that made Gold good is here, plus all the improvements the series has made over the years. And one of my favorite features? You won't see a new Pokemon until you reach Kanto. So it's the original Pokemon Gold experience, only enhanced by years of perfecting the formula. And my one complaint? Why wasn't this game released so many years ago? Young me would've loved, LOVED this game. It's a shame I can't get as hooked to Pokemon as I once did, but this game reminded me why Gold was so much fun. Why I consider Gen 2 to be the best generation ever. And how lucky the young kids are now a days.

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