Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Action Figure #176: Marvel Legends Vance Astro

  He's a Captain America, but cooler.

 There's this little character that I really like called Justice(Spoilers!), well, turns out he has an alternate, futuristic form called Vance Astro, and he was a member of the best line up of the Guardians of the Galaxy! And of the original line up too.
 The sculpt is... well, a muscular bald man with a Captain America shield and a pearl-and-metallic-blue paintjob. Pretty basic, but what can ya do! There's a small issue with this figure, his shoulders are too large for the socket, so as you can see, the paint is chipping.
 Articulation, besides the tight shoulders, it's pretty much an oversized Bucky Cap Mold.
 Well... what else can you do with the guy, y'know? Let's just say that this isn't my favorite version of Vance Astro....

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